December 2005: Does your company plan to hire additional employees during the first half of 2006?
The results of this survey would appear to indicate that the first six months of 2006 should be a fairly good time to explore new opportunities in the high technology field.

November 2005: Have you ever lied on your resume
Nearly 1/3 of the respondents to this survey have. During the past few years many employers have made it a priority to improve information verification procedures for candidates and, in a number of instances, current employees. Given this increased attention to work history and background claims, it is essential for individuals to carefully consider the ramifications of getting caught.

October 2005: What amount of travel is required by your current employer?
The inherent demands of many sales and marketing positions often dictate that extensive travel will be involved. Although there are a number of individuals who spend nearly all (if not 100%) of their work hours on the road, the majority of respondents tend to outlay between 10-50% of their time for employment-related journeys.

September 2005: How long did it take to find your current/most recent position?
Based on data we compiled over the past few years, it does appear that the average time required to land a new position has gone down since the 2001-2003 time frame. Most individuals now take an average of 1-2 months to locate an appropriate role.

August 2005: Have workplace attire requirements changed over the past few years?
After the most recent large-scale market decline there seemed to be a tangible shift by many companies to implement a more formal workplace dress code. Although a number of factors such as geographic location, corporate culture, client base, and many others ensure an inherent lack of uniformity, this survey does seem to confirm that required standards have indeed become a bit more decorous.

July 2005: Employee blogs?
The proliferation of this type of publication in recent years has prompted highly diverse reactions from corporate leaders. Many are encouraging this form of communication as a means to enhance visibility and project an image of openness. Others feel that the risks are not worth the potential benefits. The results of this survey show that most individuals feel it is acceptable to post stories related to the company as long as it is done on your own time and there is a clear protocol in place.

June 2005: How long is your typical commute?
According to Census numbers, the average commute tends to be about 25 minutes. The results of this survey show that this is fairly well in line for those working in technology-related positions, although the curve most certainly is skewed rather significantly toward the right. Undoubtedly this shift may be attributed to a host of factors, but the most important conclusion is the fact that many are willing to put in long hours on the road to achieve their career goals.

May 2005: Have you ever accepted a counteroffer?

Despite the fact that the weight of evidence shows that the acceptance of a counteroffer rarely works out well for employee and employer alike, many still may be tempted to acquiesce due to proposals and promises that would often seem to address current problems. However, the vast majority of individuals we have spoken with who have accepted continued employment under such circumstances tell a story of strained relations, questioned loyalties, mysterious cutbacks, and tenure that is ultimately quite short.

April 2005: How many different companies have you worked for over the past five years?
Due to a wide array of corporate and societal changes in recent times, sales and marketing professionals are changing jobs and employers with ever greater frequency.

March 2005:What factor was most important in deciding to take your current/most recent position?
In order to effectively construct a sound recruitment and retention approach it is essential to determine what factors prompt individuals to change jobs. As one would expect, the opportunity for growth and the chance to make more money top the list of this survey. However, it is imperative to take into account the fact that a significant number of people clearly have more than just a raise on their mind when they are considering their next career move.

February 2005: How many hours do you work per week?
Various surveys have found that the mean hours worked per week typically ranges from 46 to 51. Does this also apply to sales and marketing professionals? The results show a curve that, perhaps surprisingly to many, is fairly typical although perhaps skewed slightly higher than the norm.

January 2005: Which factors are most important for sales success?
We presented a group of ten possible responses. Although the items are far from all-inclusive and undoubtedly fairly subjective for this survey, they do represent an applicable cross-section of fundamentals that are readily agreed upon as highly tangible. Most certainly the results are far from scientific. However, it seems clear that listening skills and setting goals are viewed as two of the most important components to utilize as part of a successful sales approach.