2010 Poll Results
December 2010: Is your sales territory defined by geography, vertical, or other?
Simple geographic structures still maintain the lead when it comes to defining territorial structure.
November 2010: Are your sales leaders effective coaches?
It seems that most are happy with their managers and their respective abilities.
October 2010: Do you plan to change the mobile operating system you are currently using within the next year?
A good portion of the respondents are ready to make a move to a different OS.
September 2010: Mobile operating system?
The rapid growth of Android over the past year is the clearest item of note in this survey.
August 2010: Foursquare and other location-based social networking offerings…
A large group of individuals are utilizing these type of applications on a regular basis and make it clear that privacy concerns are not an issue to them.
July 2010: How many hours per day do you spend playing Facebook games?
Apparently the number of players and overall player hours should not be underestimated when it comes to social network gaming.
June 2010: Have you considered deleting your Facebook account due to security concerns?
Clearly the company needs to do a better job of addressing this issue.
May 2010: Does your company plan to cut health insurance benefits this year?
Many individuals have checked in with an affirmative.
April 2010: Have you ever rehired someone you have fired?
A seemingly surprising amount of managers have done so.
March 2010: Does your company plan to increase its sales quotas this year?
Most appear to be keeping requirements at last year’s levels.
February 2010: E-book readers seem to be coming out of the woodwork. Have or want one?
Paper doesn’t seem to be going out of style any time soon.
January 2010: Do you use your full allotment of vacation time each year?
Many individuals are leaving a good deal of time on the table.