COO Recruiters
Chief Operating Officer Executive Recruitment for High Technology and Software Companies

COO executive search services for North American, Western European, and Australian organizations
The COO recruiters at Renascent Solutions work closely with CEO’s and other stakeholders in the hiring process to carefully assemble a select group of individuals who have superior leadership and management skills along with the necessary cultural traits to work closely alongside all individuals in the organization.
Current average tenure
Present numbers show that median time spent at a given Chief Operating Officer position rests around the 5-year mark with about 33% of those in the slot lasting only 1-2 years. Given the complexities of the modern COO role, it’s essential for companies that choose to incorporate the position within their structure to carefully select an individual who not only extensively comprehends their business but, most importantly, has a full understanding of strategic and extended term leadership.
Traits and competencies that we examine and quantify when conducting a COO search
The manner in which we approach an executive recruitment engagement for the Chief Operating Officer role in particular is highly predicated on the distinct relationship they will have with the CEO, how their skills will be specifically utilized, and how the anticipated duties and expectations of the role will be organized and measured. Will they be more of a process driven arm of the Chief Executive Officer, an individual who is more focused on customer-related activities and successes, or a leader who essentially runs the organization while the CEO tends to more front facing duties? The following items are factors that we have found to correlate well with success as a COO.
• The ability to adapt and effectively enact necessary changes
• Organizational, personal, and project management skills
• Communication and collaboration mastery
• Mentorship traits applicable to those throughout the organization – including the CEO if the position is one where they are brought on board to assist a founder with less experience.
• Strong knowledge of how to apply improvements at the condensed and expanded levels throughout a corporate structure
Another crucial factor in the process is trust and respect. This individual will often end up taking on many of the duties once presided over by the Chief Executive Officer thus they need to know that they will have common goals and cohesive business approaches. Indeed, due to this component of the role, many COO’s are often brought into the position as internal selections. For those who may implement that approach we offer succession planning that takes numerous factors into account to help you construct a superior process to identify and prepare the appropriate individual for this important role in the corporate structure.
Chief Operating Officer executive search professionals
The COO recruiters of Renascent Solutions have been working with a wide array of companies over the past 20 years to help them locate and put in place superb leaders who are highly skilled at overseeing operations ranging from those undergoing rapid growth to large enterprise organizations. Our retained approach is unique in the industry (Retained Recruitment), and our ability to locate and prompt superb performers in primary corporate roles to take on a new position is unmatched.
Contact Us to Discuss Your COO Executive Recruitment Requirements