Detroit Sales Recruiters
Software and Technology Recruitment for Detroit and The State of Michigan

Detroit software sales recruiters working with high-tech companies in Michigan
Auto manufacturing and parallel industries have long been associated with Detroit, as has the well-known downturn that took a toll on the region over the past few decades. However, in recent years the area has seen a strong resurgence via technology-based companies and other verticals. Indeed, it’s now being recognized as one of the fastest growing tech hubs in the country. Renascent Solutions has worked with many large and small organizations based in the Detroit metro, and we maintain close contact with numerous individuals who are proven performers at all corporate levels.
Venture capital is making its way to a number of different fields in Detroit
SaaS, automotive, fintech, security, IT consulting, martech, telecom, healthtech, and other sectors have received recent rounds of funding. Dollar amounts invested in the city and the state of Michigan as a whole have increased substantially over the past decade, and recent numbers have topped the $3 billion mark. A good portion of this influx of cash is still from out of area firms, but local groups have been expanding participation in the process at a strong clip.
Quarter two of 2022 saw about $300 million invested in about 30 area companies which was tracking accordingly with numbers from the prior 3-month period.
Incubators, accelerators, and additional forms of assistance
A number of organizations exist in Detroit and the surrounding area that provide work environments, grants, and other pertinent awards of various types. Other Michigan locales including Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, and others provide additional forms of assistance to round out a strong ecosystem.
Detroit has benefitted from the recent shift in approaches to work brought about by the pandemic
The city and surrounding region already had a fairly high concentration of high-tech workers. The surge in at-home production has prompted many who left for more traditional IT markets to consider returning to Michigan locations. Most importantly, numerous individuals who would have departed the state for jobs elsewhere are now able to remain in the area
The talent coming out of local colleges and universities is strong
The University of Michigan, Michigan State, Wayne State, and a host of other schools have very high levels of research activity and many talented individuals across an array of programs. The difficulty has often been keeping an appreciable number of skilled workers in the local sector. As previously mentioned, this has been changing a great deal in recent times and the curve appears to be trending in a positive direction.
A long history of working with companies based in the Detroit area
The Detroit sales recruiters of Renascent Solutions have helped a wide range of large and small ventures establish and grow teams that have performed far beyond expectations. Censys, Duo Security, Compuware, Llamasoft, Onestream, and many other organizations have utilized our services at the headquarters city in Michigan and across North America. We’ve also completed a number of searches for companies based in other states who are seeking individuals with strong performance records working with large, local organizations and others throughout the Midwest.