eLearning Sales Recruiters

eLearning sales, marketing, and CXO recruitment specialists
The eLearning sales recruiters at Renascent Solutions have been working with companies who specialize in the space since the early 2000’s. Although the landscape and products have changed extensively, we have kept practices and knowledge up to date with each iteration in order to ensure a streamlined and highly productive executive search process.
This form of eLearning allows administrators to change and align course materials based on a particular student’s objectives and abilities. Engagement and motivation are typically increased while efficiency and success are optimized.
Asynchronous eLearning generally revolves around disparate times and locations of instruction for students and instructors. Conversely, synchronous teaching allows individuals to gather all at once in real time.
The ability to create courses, relevant content, media, and other necessary components of an eLearning offering is essential for those who choose to incorporate this form of teaching in their approach. The current market for this type of tool is around $750 million and is expected to increase to $2 billion by 2027 and almost $4 billion by 2033.
Computer Assisted Instruction may be viewed as a hybrid between traditional forms of instruction with enhancements provided by computer-based options. Student interaction and activity is increased, and course work may be targeted and absorbed as desired.
Computer Managed Learning allows students to utilize learning tools at a location and time of their choosing. Courses and appropriate goals can be set as desired, and documentation, reporting, and scoring are all completed by a centralized utility.
An approach taken by those who believe that learning is often best optimize by having students work in groups. Problem solving exercises and collective sharing of insights and solutions are paramount.
A more primary form of eLearning where every student is given the same essential information during instruction. It’s generally been shown to be not as effective as many other forms of learning due to a lack of flexibility to accommodate individual student needs.
Another more traditional approach that doesn’t fully take into account some of the advantages of team activities and more disparate forms of communication amongst instructors and others involved in the teaching process. This format does work very well for those who have a set list of items they need to complete and would like to do so as directly as possible.
Students and teachers generally have open communication and can readily adjust/enhance appropriate materials and approaches as needed. Simulations, gaming, and other methods may be effectively implemented to garner the attention of individual learners.
Senders of learning materials relay information to students at a set time and cadence with little if no deviation. This form of eLearning may still have a place in some environments, but it is losing favor in many settings where a more flexible approach is deemed essential.