Raleigh-Durham Sales Recruiters
Technology and Software Executive Recruitment for Raleigh-Durham and the State of North Carolina

Professional software sales recruitment for Raleigh-Durham, Cary, and the Research Triangle
This region holds a special place in our history as the founder of Renascent Solutions made the first software sales placement for the firm with a company based out of Cary, NC.
Raleigh and Durham both have undergone a great deal of change and revitalization in recent years. Textiles, agriculture, and other traditional businesses that fueled economic prosperity in the area have been supplanted by a range of innovative and highly profitable industries. Millions have been poured into redevelopment throughout The Triangle and beyond, and scores of companies and accompanying supportive enterprises have taken up shop.
Verticals that have garnered significant funding rounds in recent years
Cleantech, mobile applications, open source, healthtech, analytics, cloud computing, security, and a plethora of other technologies have provided the impetus behind a number of job openings that ranks the area on the same tier as hubs such as Seattle, Austin, and the Bay Area.
Venture funding outlook
The area has a very active capital formation and distribution community, although the general notion is that things take a bit longer to assemble and complete than in other areas. 2021 saw 64 deals and about $600 million invested in regional companies, $1.6 billion when Cary is included in the overall amount, and a full tally of over $4 billion for North Carolina as a whole.
Quarter 3 figures for 2022 saw about $570 invested in the region which continued investment figures that have eclipsed those from the prior year. This trend is undeniably pointing upward based on prior fiscal dates and should maintain levels well above those accumulated in previous years. Cleantech and biotech were the primary beneficiaries during this latest update while Epic Games took in a massive $2 billion round earlier in the year.
Cost of living and doing business in Raleigh-Durham is still very attractive
Office and housing affordability along with general prices of necessary goods and services remain quite reasonable compared to other tech hubs.
Strong, extensive infrastructure in place to provide assistance
The region is well-known for its collaboration amongst startup companies, established corporations, relevant providers, government entities, non-profit organizations, and others who operate in the ecosystem. Our Raleigh-Durham sales recruiters are in regular contact with many individuals in this location and can rapidly identify exceptional performers across a range of positions and domain expertise.
Major research universities support business activities in the area
Duke, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Charlotte, Wake Forest, North Carolina State, and others have numerous programs in place spanning incubation and growth, entrepreneurial studies, coworking spaces, and other essential components of a thriving startup environment. The number of proficient and accomplished individuals from these schools who enter the technology field is outstanding as the population of the area boasts an education level that currently ranks at number 4 in the nation regarding the number of individuals with a bachelor’s degree or greater. Many of these residents move forward to start and grow their own companies in the metro area and the encompassing Research Triangle region.
Research Triangle/North Carolina recruitment will always be a focus for us
As mentioned above, our work with companies in this region goes back to our inception as a firm of software sales recruiters committed to helping large and small organizations hire the best possible performers for their organizations. SAS, Pendo, Red Hat, and many others have relied on our skilled professionals to help construct upper-tiered teams of sales and marketing pros in Raleigh-Durham, Cary, Charlotte, and across North America.