10 Ways to Maximize Employee Retention Rates

Create a positive impression beginning with the first interview

A relatively simple thing to do if you’re properly invested in hiring individuals who will perform well within your particular environment.

• Take the time to prepare much like a candidate would.
• Make certain they have all necessary information and materials prior to an initial meeting.
• Actively listen to responses and show interest and excitement about their desire to join your company.
• Don’t overrepresent the role or omit important considerations that might make it less appealing to some. This is a major factor for individuals who choose to leave a job after a relatively short period of time thus it’s imperative to be upfront and forthright about all expectations and duties.
• Respect their time and provide prompt feedback.

A streamlined, comprehensive onboarding program is also an essential component of the interviewing and hiring process. Providing a proper introduction to the systems and cultural approach involved from the start of day one allows the new employee to rapidly come up to speed, maintain proper comfort levels while completing basic tasks and duties, and can go far in establishing a long-term connection to the company and its approach to conducting business. It’s equally important to view this part of the operation as ongoing for some time so that the newly hired individual can effectively assimilate and absorb all factors associated with the organization’s practices, support systems, peer structures, mentoring opportunities, and the overall values the company seeks to impart.

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