
Digital Twin

Digital Twinning Technology Much More Than Meta

Digital twinning certainly is not an idea nor implementation that is new. NASA was utilizing the concept beginning with the Apollo missions, and a number of industries helped to refine and enhance its usage leading up to the current day. However, recent advances in AI, Internet of Things, Analytics, and other relevant disciplines have made it highly attractive for numerous investors across an array of fields and applications.


Azure CTO Calls for End of New C++ Projects

Rust has once again garnered a major proponent in the form of MS Azure’s CTO who recently made it very clear that he feels C/C++ should be set aside as a building block for any upcoming projects. The language has been named the most loved by users for 7 years running now in StackOverflow’s most recent survey, and it will soon be making an official appearance in the upcoming 6.1 Linux kernel.