

AI and Performance Monitoring in the Workplace

From remote workers to delivery vans, AI is now being utilized by a wide swath of businesses to surveil, correct, and determine workforce activities at increasingly comprehensive levels on a daily basis. The notion of monitoring production in the company environment certainly is far from new and has undergone countless permutations over the years.

quiet quitting exit

Quiet Quitting

The concept of quiet quitting and its various permutations has been referred to as everything from a “fake trend” by the Atlantic to a full out crisis by a number of organizations. A recent survey conducted by Gallup found that a minimum of 50% of current employees in the U.S. classified themselves in a group that is somewhat nebulously defined as conducting the bare minimum of work as specifically outlined in their job description or simply doing enough to stay under the radar and not be terminated. This is certainly not a novel concept, but are there new and unique undertones to this latest disposition that have been brought about by the events of the past few years?